GAMMA to provide athletes with a more holistic approach when it comes to their health. GAMMA

The Global Association of Mixed Martial Arts (GAMMA) has established a new Health and Wellbeing Commission as part of its ongoing work to modernise and innovate the federation. 

In a press release Saturday, the organisation stated that the new commission will replace the previous Medical & Anti-Doping Commission, with the contemporary view that health and wellbeing encompass a far broader area than medical and anti-doping.

The commission aims to broaden its expertise across a number of related areas, and appoint commission members from the disciplines of safeguarding and health and fitness, and provide a more holistic approach rather than just the traditional medical and anti-doping professions.

The commission will be supported by specialist agencies, including the International Testing Agency (ITA) and En Garde, and will be led by former GAMMA Medical Commission Chairman, Dr Hagen Biermann, who specialises in combat sports.

"Our new commission is a much broader one, supporting comprehensive health, including physical, mental, and social well-being. This is not just for us but for the betterment of our community," Dr Biermann said on the initiative.

"GAMMA is taking the next step by focusing on community engagement and preventive measures in addition to the traditional areas of responsibility. I am very happy to be part of this new commission. It's a game-changer that supports comprehensive health and contributes to the betterment of our community. I can't wait to see the positive impact we'll make together."

The announcement was made just as GAMMA kicked off its 2024 GAMMA European Championships Senior semi-finals in Slovakia.