Global Summit for Palestine threatens IOC 'boycott' unless Israel is banned from Olympics. EMF

The organising committee of the Global Summit for Palestine, initiated by the European Muslim Forum (EMF), has called for the resignation of Thomas Bach and accused the IOC of 'double standards'. Nkosi Mandela, a member of the committee, flew in from South Africa to personally deliver a letter to the members of the IOC in which she issued an ultimatum: "Expel Israel or face a boycott".

Throughout this week, the Organising Committee of the Global Summit for Palestine and its partners have sought to draw global attention to what they see as the IOC's "double standards". The main objective of the European Muslim Forum is the total and absolute opposition to the inclusion of the Israeli team in the Paris Olympic Games. In writing and with great determination, they want to force the IOC leadership to openly declare: "Zionist military forces are criminals who have no place in the peace-loving Olympic movement".

Nkosi Mandela, a member of the South African National Assembly and grandson of Nelson Mandela, is a member of the organising committee of the Global Summit for Palestine. He flew directly from South Africa to Switzerland at the invitation of the EMF. 

Mandela delivered a letter to the IOC members, who received him at the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, in which he issued an ultimatum: "Either Israel is excluded from the Olympic Games, or the Paris Olympic Games will face a total boycott alongside Israel."

Mandela gave a speech to his collaborators and supporters in which he expressed and enumerated all the reasons why they consider the pro-Palestinian cause just and why it is necessary to exclude Israel from the Olympic Games, given that its actions go against the Olympic Movement.

The European Muslim Forum, for its part, points out the differing reactions of the two organisations to "Zionist atrocities". While FIFA, represented by G. Infantino, expressed its willingness to consider expelling the Israeli Football Association, the EMF considers the position of IOC President Thomas Bach "a clear example of political hypocrisy and capitulation to the executioners of the Arab population of Palestine", according to an EMF statement.

Throughout the week in Lausanne, the Global Summit for Palestine organised a series of events in support of its stance and to raise awareness worldwide. On 23 May, a conference entitled "Palestine: Unilateral Application of the Law?" was held at the University of Lausanne.

The protest was also taken to the streets of Lausanne and to the town hall. EMF
The protest was also taken to the streets of Lausanne and to the town hall. EMF

The meeting with the students was preceded by a vigil at the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee on the same day. The vigil was attended by protesters holding banners highlighting the injustices in Gaza. This is not the first time the EMF has protested at the IOC headquarters.

They organised a peaceful public protest in early March. They also delivered a letter to IOC members the day before the protest, outlining their demands and calling for Israel to be banned from the Olympic Games.

In response, South African MP Nkosi Mandela repeated his actions of early March and presented the IOC leadership with a letter from the European Muslim Forum in response to correspondence between the IOC and the EMF calling for Israel to be banned from the Paris Olympics.

At the Lausanne conference, Mandela compared apartheid in South Africa to Zionist policies and called on the world to see sport as another field of struggle for Gaza. The conference at the University of Geneva, entitled "Boycott Israel at the Olympic Games or a Total Boycott of the Olympic Games alongside Israel", was attended by members of the organising committee of the Global Summit for Palestine, including Rabbi Elhanan Beck, the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta rabbi, and Lauren Booth.

The events concluded last Thursday with a rally near Geneva's City Hall to honour the victims of the Rafah bombing. The rally also reiterated the demand for Israel's immediate expulsion from the Olympic movement and the resignation of IOC President Thomas Bach. "Today, the IOC leadership is complicit in Israel's bloody crimes. How many more violations of international law are to come?" The EMF communiqu茅 said.

"We must not stand idly by and we must not stop exerting international pressure on Israel," adds the EMF. "Our goal is the expulsion of Israel from all territories where it is still present. The Forum stresses, Israel has no place in world sport, because no international event, no entertainment such as the Paris Olympics, should allow the Zionists to divert the attention of the world community from the evil they are doing."