Tunisia back in compliance with WADA's World Anti-Doping Code. GETTY IMAGES

Following a vote by its Executive Committee (ExCo), the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has immediately removed the Tunisian National Anti-Doping Agency (ANAD) from the list of Signatories in non-compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

In May, WADA joined other clean sport organisations around the world in calling for the immediate release and reinstatement of the former Director General of the Tunisian National Anti-Doping Agency (ANAD), who was arrested last month simply for attempting to address ANAD's non-compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

WADA had met with and written to the Minister of Youth and Sports in the Tunisian government, urging him to do all that was necessary to secure the release of the former Director General of ANAD, Mr Mourad Hambli.

WADA President Witold Bańka said: "This injustice cannot be allowed to continue. WADA calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Mr Hambli and the dropping of all related charges against him. Together with the community, we will not stop until this is achieved."

On 8 April 2024, WADA sent ANAD a formal notice of non-compliance. This non-compliance became effective on 30 April 2024 after ANAD chose not to contest the allegation as it could have done under Article 9.3.1 of the International Standard for Code Compliance by Signatories (ISCCS).

The non-compliance was due to ANAD's failure to fully implement the 2021 version of the Code within the Tunisian national legal system.

On 2 May 2024, WADA received confirmation that the required government decree had entered into force.

Subsequently, on 8 May 2024, the WADA Compliance Review Committee (CRC) agreed with WADA management that ANAD had successfully met its commitments to return to compliance.

Therefore, in accordance with Article 11.3.3 of the ISCCS, the CRC recommended to the ExCo that ANAD be removed from the list of non-compliant Signatories.

On 30 April, ANAD's non-compliance was confirmed due to its failure to fully implement the 2021 version of the Code in its legal system. Under the terms of the non-compliance, a number of consequences and conditions for reinstatement were imposed, including a ban on flying the national flag at certain covered events while ANAD remained non-compliant.

Since the non-compliance issue in Tunisia was identified, WADA has worked closely with the authorities to ensure that the compliance issue could be resolved as quickly as possible.

On 15 May, WADA announced that the non-compliance issue had been successfully resolved and that ANAD had been reinstated as compliant.

Currently, the number of non-compliant Code Signatories has been reduced to three. They are the Angolan National Olympic Committee (acting as NADO), the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) and the International Federation of Fitness and Bodybuilding (IFBB).