Marcos Menocal Pareja Marcos Menocal

Recent articles by Marcos

Multiple falls increase cyclists' anxiety

Multiple falls increase cyclists' anxiety

Cycling has become so demanding and fast these days that accidents are on the increase. Last month eight riders broke their bones in different races. Van Aert's hard fall last Wednesday, which left him with a broken collarbone, ribs and sternum, raises doubts about whether cyclists should wear safety gear like skiers.

Puerto Rico win the Americas U-15 Baseball World Cup qualifiers

Puerto Rico win the Americas U-15 Baseball World Cup qualifiers

Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua and Venezuela secured their places at the 2024 WBSC U-15 Baseball World Cup to be played in Barranquilla in August by finishing top of the standings in last weekend's qualifier in the Dominican Republic. Host Colombia also received a wildcard.

Paris 2024: The most digital Olympic Games ever

Paris 2024: The most digital Olympic Games ever

Data from Kolsquare's report 'Paris2024': The Olympics of Influence' reveals an unprecedented scenario. Interactions between athletes, fans and the general public across multiple social networks and platforms reveal data and records never seen before.